I wanted to make a low poly retro computer with Fusion 360 and bake it out to a model I could use in Ue4. Maybe someone will like this, thought I might show off a demo here
I did write a little in my blog about baking from fusion 360 to a low poly. Its just a gimmick to have the keys move really, but thought it would be fun to try out. (would not work on console :P) Its typing on the keyboard that is typing on the keyboard in a computer game.
I second what Harcarik said, is this done with a 3d widget and a keyboard made of individual blueprint keys, or is it animated as a fbx.
Also, how did you get the screen to update like a terminal.
Everything here is great, if you don’t want to make a tutorial could you release the project file or maybe put it on the asset store.
There are 2 widgets for the screen, one is a “world” widget, and the other is a “screen” widget. The world displays when you are not using the computer, but as soon as you interact with the computer it switches to a normal screen widget and vice versa when you exit the computer.
The keys is exported with specific names. the A key is named “AKey”, the Enter is “EnterKey”. It should correspond with the “Get key” in “on key down” in widget. I exported it all as one obj file. Just separated up the keys I needed.
The keys was without a doubt the most tedious job to do, I added them all as static mesh to the blueprint under the computer. I added them to an array, and then added the name to a different array. I then fetched “on key down” from widget, and used “get key”, so when I hit the A button on my keyboard it would forward the display name “A”. So then I appended the name “Key” afterwards and searched trough the array to find the key that I needed to push down. Then it runs a timeline on that static mesh it found name “AKey” that I added to an array, and it pushes it down.
I do make tutorials on my blog, and I could do a tutorial on it if there is enough people who wants it