Piano keys always move the same—they only rotate around 1 axis. I’d say making a skeleton and an animation for such a thing is an overkill. I’d make them separate meshes and that would work.
Hello! I want to create an interactive piano that player could play on it using keyboard or line tracing. My piano keys are bones, and I made it possible to play on it, but i have problem with piano kays animations. I use one skeletal mesh for whole keyboard, and when line trace hit a specific bone, it play specific sound. But now i have problem with animation, because I don’t know how to play animation on one specific key. I think I could use independent meshes for all keys, but I want to ask if there is better way to do this. Thank you in advance.
Thank you for answer. And how can I detect what component of other blueprint (Piano) was hit by “player’s” line trace? Can I somehow get name of component that was hit? I know it is probably simple thing, but I don’t found way to do this yet. I was doing only basic things in UE before. I only found way to detect what bone was hit by line trace.
It’s the same, you break the hit result and one of the output pins is Hit Component.
Thanks, it works great now. I just had no idea how “send” hit result to other blueprint before
I am actually trying to make a playable piano to be used in Unreal Engine 5 (I am new to Unreal and am still learning a lot) and I see that this topic was addressed but I don’t see the answers that Actuss was replying to…is there any way to see this? I could really use the help