Interactive Archviz V3.00

Unreal Engine 5.4 Lumen - Path Tracer

Performance Improvements.
UI/UX Updates.
Compass - New Time Speed Features Added.
Standard-Simulation Time Change Added.
Date Change Added.
Location Change Added.
Time Zone Change Added.
Simulation Night Sky Added.
Zooming on Plans Added.
Character First-Person to Third-Person Transition Added.
Character Collision Fixed.
Invert Y-Axis Added.
Gamepad Support Added. (Alpha Version)

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Hi there @E-S-A,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far :slight_smile:

Just wanted to hop in and say this looks incredibly useful. Being able to “walk through” a future home would allow for people to experience a design early on in the creation process. Plus being able to interact and set the conditions to exactly what you want is just so perfect for setting the “vibe” of the location.

Brilliant work :smiley:

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