Interactive and Realtime Video Blueprint Pack

Hi everyone.

So we’ve been in development for the last month creating a blueprint pack.
In essence this pack is to be used for anyone that needs to:

  1. Display content in any format:
  • Images/Texture
  • Video
  • Real time video
  • Material
  1. And display that content via:
  • TVs
  • Monitors
  • Billboards
  • Projectors
  1. And also capture real-time video via fully configurable security cameras.

Different size monitors, various resolutions

Projector with various screens

Interactive camera with animation


Billboards and MORE!

Did I mention you can finally have that curved monitor?

Feedback please :confused:

We really want to make you part of our process.

Please share with us, what do you want more or less of.
Anything that you can think of that we are not catering for?

Thanks so much!

Omg yes when is this coming out???

Yes, this sounds very useful.

Looks really sweet! It would be epic, though, if the character that stands in the projector beam would cast a shadow on the screen itself.

Looks very useful.

I seriously need this for my thief type game!! :smiley: Price & release date? :smiley:

Yes Please

When is this coming out???

Will this support audio?

When is this coming out???

Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback.
We were in the process of making it ready for Unity.

But with the feedback we’ve were getting on it to get it on the UE4 marketplace.

So is this coming out next week, or next month?

As of today next week is next month :slight_smile:
We will be submitting it next week, not sure how long the review process will be.