Interactive 2D World

Hello Community I’m currently trying to decide whether or not I should spend a few days/weeks packaging a bunch of features from a project I’m currently working on into some Marketplace assets. I know that 2D games are fairly popular on PC but there aren’t a whole lot of under the hood offerings for Paper2D or a whole lot of in depth documentation/tutorials on 2D interaction or modification. So I’ve got a handful of things I can contribute :

  • TileMapComponent CHUNKS and modifying them at runtime.
  • C++ and Blueprint implementation.
  • Tile updating is very similar to a marching cubes algorithm but will be different in BP possibly.
  • Values directly looked up in a data table per tile index.
  • Collision rebuilding and good practices to follow.
  • Fractal perlin or simplex noise generation.
  • Cave generation, with backings.
  • Save and Load.

I’m still not entirely certain if this would be desirable on the Marketplace or if I’m better off doing something else in my Christmas lull.