Interaction Widget alternative for Get Actor Bounds

Hey Guys,
Im trying to make a Widget similar to Deus Ex, but Get Actor Bounds is causing me some problems.
Since it uses Box Extent, its easy to change them, but they also are very ineffective, as Actors that have physics tied to them are buggy when you change the box extent, and on large objects it doesnt look that look. the box extent also is a problem for childs, since they retain the box extent, while being a different size. and the box extent also doesnt seem to be perfectly in the middle(pics atttached). so is there any way to get the outer bounds of an object so that the widget is just a little bit bigger than the object itself?
any help is apprechiated <3

I used bounds to calculate actor extension for an internal project.
I a partial solution.
Like you said you may have some error when you have many component inside and will highlight things you may now want.

My recommendation is to use a component just a box component for draw the frame you want.

If you are concern about the physics for some objects. I would recommend to use the a custom component (child from box). And update the location each time for second instead of each tick and disable if the velocity of the object is to fast.