Hellow fellow developers I’m new to the world of bluepring ( and programming :v) and I have problem with a simple task… when my character is holding a ball actor, i want to destroy that ball when i enter the trigger box, here what I did so far in the graph event of the trigger box… is it good? what should i Do… for now this BP do nothing! thanks vm! P.S urbas is the name of my ball
i’m affraid i understand… nothing ;o
Hey ,
If you want your ball to destroy once it’s inside of the trigger volume, you need to connect the ‘OnActorBeginOverlap_Event’ and the ‘OnActorEndOverlap (TriggerBox)’ to the function ‘Destroy Actor’. If you want to test and make sure that this function works, add a ‘Print String’ onto the ‘Destory Actor’ and words will appear in the upper left corner when you trigger that event.
hey thanks but i cant find those two node is that normal? plus the picture i sent is not a good way to do it?
Hey ,
You can locate those nodes by right clicking in the Level Blueprint and using the drop-down for the first option: ‘Add Event for…’
Here is an Example:
Hopefully this helps you with setting up your blueprint. The blueprint you posted above also should work, but I did not see a ‘destory actor’ attached to it, and you were asking for that item to be destroyed. Don’t forge that node.