Interactable Meshes?

I would like to create interactable meshes so that I can allow the player to interact with meshes triggering something like a car door that when interacting with, the player possesses the car, or have an inventory open when I interact with the trunk of a car using an inventory component.

So I want to be able to have actor components on these meshes/actors, but they cannot be actors as I would not be able to add them to other actors in the editor like a car door to a car.

Is this possible and how?

Yes, just create a Blueprint for/from that mesh. You can add components and define your interactions.

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But if I create a blueprint for it, How can I add it to another actor in the editor?

Create a BP for the ‘top’ level mesh and add meshes in the BP. In your example: the body of the car could be the top/parent mesh and the doors the child meshes. If you are new to Blueprints, follow one of the courses in the Learning section.

I get that I can add meshes to my blueprint, But I want a mesh with its own interaction events that I can add to my car actor so that if I click on the trunk mesh, it opens a menu and I want this code with the mesh so I do not need to hard code every interaction in my main car blueprint as every car is different.

I want it to basically be a scene component but with a static mesh.

Last time I checked it wasn’t possible to create a SceneComponent containing a static mesh purely in BP. If you are not working in C++, you could try one of the following:
a. making it a an actor BP and attaching it to your main BP using a Child Actor Component.
b. making it an ActorComponent (without the mesh) and which has a reference to the mesh in the actor. You could f.e. tag that specific mesh (f.e. ‘trunk’) and have the Actor Component loop through the meshes to find it.

Hope this helps.

You might also want to re-read your question before posting, a clear description of the situation and your goal greatly helps in getting a proper answer. (this is not a rant, just a suggestion)

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