Inter-Process GPU Texture Sharing

With 4.26 there is a new plugin “Texture Share” and after enable it there is an option in textures named “Share”, but how can I use this “shared” texture on other unreal project.

I know that I must be running the application where I marked “Share” in the texture, but where I can find a shared texture in my other project?

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I’ve figured out by myself… but if somebody needs in the future…

another UE instance :wink:

Hey there, thanks for providing the solution! Are you sharing your textures to another UE instance or to another 3rd party application?

gotcha, thank you! any ideas on how this will work with a 3rd party application?

Probably same way… if you need to receive a 3rd party texture use the second iimage, and if you need to send to a 3rd party use the first picture… and then use the same texture name in the 3rd party application.

C++ version of this plz…

C++ version of this plz…

Any Idea on how Works on UE5 Now?