Integrating HealthComponent with Ability System - Need Help and Advice


I’m currently working on a game using Unreal Engine and the Gameplay Ability System (GAS). In my game, both player and AI characters have their health directly managed through ability system attributes. However, I want to implement a HealthComponent that can be added to any actor, allowing them to have health and be destroyed (e.g., tables, chairs, etc.).

I’ve encountered some challenges while trying to achieve this, and I’ve been researching solutions. Although I’ve explored Lyra, it doesn’t seem to provide the exact solution I’m looking for.

My goal is to be able to add a HealthComponent to any actor without explicitly adding health attributes to the actor through gameplay effects. Instead, I want all of this functionality to be encapsulated within the HealthComponent itself.

I would greatly appreciate any help or advice on how to accomplish this. Is it possible to create a HealthComponent that automatically sets health attributes for an actor’s ability system component without explicitly defining them?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Note: If you have a direct solution to this problem, I would be grateful to hear it as well.