Integrating a Metasound Node into a Custom Node in C++

I’m currently working on a project where I need to integrate a Metasound node, specifically an oscillator node, into a custom node I’m creating in C++. I have a basic understanding of creating simple Metasound nodes in C++, but I’m not sure how to properly instantiate and use an existing Metasound node within another.

I’m interested in knowing how to:

  1. Instantiate an existing Metasound node (like an oscillator node) within my custom node.
  2. Properly connect the inputs and outputs of the instantiated node to my custom node.
  3. Handle the execution and lifecycle management of the instantiated node within my custom node.

Any insights, code examples, or references to relevant documentation would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, this is a good article from Epic Games describing how to make your own custom node there: Creating MetaSound Nodes in C++ Quickstart | Tutorial

You could also take a look at my example (it addressed much simpler task compared to what you want to achieve, but still might be useful): RuntimeAudioImporter/Source/RuntimeAudioImporter/Private/MetaSound/MetasoundImportedWaveToWaveAssetNode.cpp at main · gtreshchev/RuntimeAudioImporter · GitHub