Instanciating Blue Print

Hi, I am a brand new Unreal User and I am following tons of youtube tutorials to getting started. I have a little town to populate with streetlights turning on/off if it’s day or night. I thought about using a spline to quickly instanciate all of them but then how can I turn them on/off following a day/night automatic cycle ? So I turned my streetlight in a BP and manage to have a day/night cycle linked to it but now I can’t put my BP_STreetlight on a spline since it’s not a mesh. Is there any solution and am I making myself clear :slight_smile: ?

I followed these tut :
They are from “InsertNameHereGameDev”

Anyway thank you :innocent:

You could use an editor utility widget to spawn the lights along the spline. It’s a widget that has access to extra nodes that can manipulate the engine while you edit.

@Simu_2020 I made a tool that might be useful. (117.1 KB)


Many thanks, I will try that when I get back from hollidays :wink:
Sounds Nice