Instanced Static Meshes, with looped rotation (for example, many spinning fans)

Hi All,

I am a little lost here, I need to populate my scene with many (over 100) rotating fans. I understand how to create instanced static meshes, or how to add a rotating movement component into a single static mesh, but can’t figure out how to have the rotating objects instanced.

See some screenshots attached of what I have done so far:

basic construction script for instanced static mesh:

rotating movement component:

How do I combine the two?

Any tips would be very much appreciated!

a simple rotation like this is better accomplished on the shader - much more performant too. a basic shader to do that is something well covered by many youtube tutorials

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hey @BIGTIMEMASTER ; thanks for the tip, that may be a good option. The fans I have now are not flat planes with fan texture + alpha on them, but 3d modelled fans. Not sure if shader way would work in this case.

Are there any options to have them rotating and instanced at the same time?

You can call Batch Update Transform on the instanced static mesh, and do some math with rotation.

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Materials: Rotating meshes using Vertex Shaders - Tom Looman

here’s a tutorial how you can rotate a mesh using shader.