If you create a blueprint with an instanced static mesh. Spawn it in the world. And then translate it after it has spawned, it’s collision will not have moved even though the visible mesh will have moved.
I first produced this using the Top Down Sci Fi Asset Set. I can reproduce this in a new project.
This is causing issues for us as our map generation system relies on moving blueprint tiles after it has spawned.
I used the third person blueprint default. I imported the top down sci fi asset bundle. Deleted all the obstacles and floor and moved the player start to just above the origin:
I made a new 3rd person with the starter content and used the Shape_Cube. The same effect happened. I also noticed another bug:
If I set the instancedStaticMesh scale under A here:
Then it changes the scale in the blueprint viewport, however when you run the scale has not been changed. You have to set the scale on each individual instance in the array (B).
If you mean if I set the initial spawn location, it can spawn anywhere correctly, its any translation after spawning (using set actor location, or set actor transform) that causes it to disconnect display from collision.
Even moving it in editor causes it to move without its collision.