Instanced procedurale mesh?


I’ve created a procedural mesh that meets all the requirements of my project perfectly.
Its parameters are set by the player, before it gets calculated in the actors construction script.

Unfortunately I need a ■■■■ lot of these meshes, all with the same shape and material.
Instanced meshes would fit in this purpose, but I can’t figure out a way to get my procedural mesh instanced.

Is there a workaround, for example a way to convert the procedural mesh to a static one?
Or maybe something similar like instanced static meshes but built in for procedural ones?

I’ve tried it by adding mesh sections, but they contribute to the total vertex count of the overall mesh and therefore are less helpful.


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Hey! Did you ever find a solution to this? I’m looking to do the same thing in my project. I want players to be able to make a procedural mesh I’m game, then use that mesh over and over (instanced static meshes obviously, for performance reasons). Hopefully you found a way!

Don’t get it. Do you need to create runtime mesh or procedural actor with instanced meshes?

No, unfortunately, I didn’t find a solution, at least not inside the UE. I had to give up on my project.
I wanted to create a Hexaphere-gameworld, then let the player set up the parameters for its overall look. Next step was to use 3D perlin noise to create Hex-tiles with landscapes that fit seamlessly together. I already had added a LOD system too. All of that worked well but the performance.
Since all the tiles were the same and only defined their shape by the same global material, I found it quite logic, to instance the tiles. Maybe on a loading screen or something. But I never got it to work.

Wait, what) You did all of that and never got it to work? What does it mean?)

You know, if you just wanna ease the load time or frame calculation, you need to create near and delete chunks far from your character/camera.

I guess you need opposite action of copy procedural mesh from static mesh component node? In that case I’d recommend you to dig a little into C++ and create inverse transformation. There is no solution nowadays for turning procedural mesh into static one.

Sorry, I am no native English speaker and neither am I a programmer - thus I am not able to express myself as clearly as I want to. Btw, I did everything in Blueprints. I will simply add three screenshots.

The first one shows the procedural terrain in an early state. As you can see near to the camera, the whole terrain is made of Hexa-tiles, but they fit together since they all use the same material and perlin noise.

The second one shows the procedurally generated landscapes correctly wrapped around the sphere.

The last one finally is the procedurally generated grid, I used for positioning the tiles, but also for the water-surface.

At the end, even with the LOD-System working, the performance was very bad. But I was very impressed with what is possible within blueprints with some basic logic and maths.


Pretty good, you know! I’m proud of you at this point)

Need this kind of conversion too.
I am importing a fbx car model with the RuntimeMeshComponent Plugin and want to have a duplicate of it.
Same geometry with different transform and material, but both have to be moveable…
Any news to the problem, or is it hopeless :frowning: