Instanced Foliage Actors not in World Outliner?

To give this some context: I’m trying to clean up my laggy scene.

While trying to group everything in folders and turning stuff on and off in the viewport I noticed there was one actor I could never find in my World Outliner. It was the Instanced Foliage Actor. The assets I had painted within the Foliage mode were all that was left when I turned everything off.

As I’m trying to do some tests by turning this actor on and off, it would be very helpful to have this in the World Outliner as well. Do you think it’s possible?


I had the same question.
I don’t have solution for this, I just want to share my experience.
When my project is packaged to a runtime execution, there appear a stange tower shape in my scene. Turns out to be there’s a hidden InstancedFoliageActor inside the level but no one can see.
It did not appear in the editor, but it is some visual artifact in the runtime game.


I’ve entered a feature request for this that you can follow the status of here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-35222)

Currently, the only way to disable foliage that I’m aware of is to use the viewport > Show > Foliage types and disable all or specific ones that have been painted.

I hope this helps.


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