I am a beginner with BP scripting so there might be a better way to set this up.
The purpose for this is to have instanced actors placed in the world with public text variable exposed in editor that will take the input and assign it to it’s “self” instanced actor’s 2D widget with text.
My problem is that I can’t get the public text variables to be set to each instanced actors which are spawned at BeginPlay. Each actor contains a widget component to display a 2D widget in 3D space. The actors move up and down with a speed that can be set to each instanced actor from the public int varbiable. So that one works.
If this workflow I setup (from the screenshot) would be a good start, I wounder if the focus need to be on how to create “instanced” text widgets that holds the text, as many as there are instanced actors placed in the world to make it work?
Because from what I assume is that the binding function only has one static text in the widget to look for (see step 3 in screenshot). At the moment, as you can see in the screenshot, am only getting the first text input on both actors in world.