Instance Particle Parameter Color clamps color value to 1 in blueprint, but not in Cascade

Here is the Particle Parameter set in Cascade for the “Initial Color” module of the particle.

Here is the Instanced Parameter in Blueprint.

As you can see, the Min Input is 0, the Max Input is 15 and the Param Mode is set to Direct which uses the input value directly.

In the 2nd image which is in the Blueprint with the particle system, when I try to input a value higher than 1 in the Color Picker and click OK, it clamps it back down to 1.

This is a problem because I need HDR values for bloom.

EDIT: You can fix this with a Scale Color / Life module in the particle system itself and set it to a constant vector with a value you like for brightness (past 1, etc.), and use the Instance Parameter to change the color in the blueprint without worrying about brightness. But this is still a bug, you should still be able to change color values past 1 in the Instance Particle Parameter in the blueprint, so this is just a workaround for now.

I have the same issue, and dont want to post a new question. did you find anything to disable RGB clamp?

I used curved color over life to simulate color changes to my particle(Flamethrower like), and used black as the last color for simulating smoke without adding another emmiter. so i need a parameter to change HUE of my particle, but using “Scale Color/Life” module’s constant color, overwrites my above 1.0 values.

then i used two “Scale Color/Life” modules. one for parameter(to controll color in blueprint) and the other is for above 1.0 Value(with constant curve for diffrent values). and there’s no luck either!!

as you mentioned that’s a big bug! if “Set Color Parameter” doesnt clamp numbers above 1.0, there should be no problem at all.

Use BP node SetVectorParameter, for instance, in construction script:

Note that I use Vector, not Color. (If You use color parameter, you would get the same problem OP mentioned.)
Depite this is a workaround, it is pretty easy to use. The solution OP provided was not suitable for my case, because I needed to set several colors with different brightness values.

FYI, You can also use Dynamic parameter in particle material, then pass it through particle system to BP and set it in the similar manner.

P.S. Four and half a year passed, and this bug has not been fixed yet.

Using Set Vector Parameter instead of Set Color Paramter solves it. Thanks!