Instance Mesh placement, join with lines

Hi All, I’m trying to instance a mesh from CSV, which is then joined up somehow with lines
So my CSV creates all the sphere meshes using the CSV X,Y,Z and somehow I want to visualise all the spheres being joined up to all the other spheres either using a line renderer or a particle system.

The red lines are what I’m trying to achieve

I cant find any examples of this and cant figure it out myself, grateful for a nudge in the right direction

Scrub through thre thread to see what methods are out there:

But you probably want a Niagara beam or ribbon:

all the spheres being joined up to all the other spheres

Or are you asking about the logic?

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Thanks @Everynone, i’m asking more about the logical. i can draw lines no problem, I just cant figure out how to loop through the datatable, connecting all the X,Y,Z positions.

I can add a line to each X,Y,Z lets say this is the line start position, but i cant end the line in the next row on the data table.
not only that but i want it to draw a line to every row position.
So if my csv datatable has 8 rows with different x,y,z
for each row i need it to draw 7 lines and the end position is the other 7 row positions.
if that makes sense.
i understand this may also create duplicate lines