Hello, I’m trying to install the Epic Games Launcher to download UE. During the installation of the Launcher (Specifically when it tries to download DirectX) I’m getting the following error message:
There’s a problem with this Windows installer package.
A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.
I tried reinstalling the installer, DirectX, restarting the PC, and everything I could think of or find online.
The only thing I can think of is maybe you need to make sure your Windows Update doesn’t have anything you need to update? Other than that… I’m tapped. Maybe someone else might have something to add.
Can you separate install the latest directx 12 ultimate ? If yes, i can’t remember but maybe there was an option to skip the directx installation on the unreal engine ?
Is this error happening when you install other stuff as well?
Write your hardware specs and windows version so maybe we can find what is causing this…
Intel Core i7-9750H, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660Ti, 16GB of RAM
The laptop itself is an Acer Predator Helios 300 (2019)
I can’t separate the install of DirectX, as it’s done automatically.
Windows 10 with the latest version (22H2) and there aren’t any available updates in the settings. And the latest version of Drivers for the GPU.
As for trouble with other installations, I tried installing DirectX manually, but I got an error which I will attach with this reply, and the 2 logs mentioned in the error message. DirectX.log (2.7 KB) DXError.log (414 Bytes)
Thats wierd and it looks like the dx is the problem and holding back the whole thing.
On your log it says"Unable to get Version on target file C:\WINDOWS\system32\directx\websetup\dsetup.dll"
If this step didnt work… What gpu drivers do you use exactly? You say you have the newest driver version right ? Do you choose the notebook driver for it ?
If yes I would try to deinstall them as the next step and downgrade the driver to some from maybe 2021 then clean install them and try again the offline dx setup. And even beyond that if this still dont work go back to the factory gpu driver if your laptop has some and try again.
I tried both notebook and desktop drivers but to no avail.
And I did install DX offline with no issues, but it didn’t seem to solve the problem.
And Epic Games Support sent me links for visual C++ redistributable from older 201, 2012, 2013, 2015. But, downloading these manually didn’t fix the issue either.
I’m completely out of ideas at this point.
So if you can install dx offline that means that you have it installed and you should have no issues to play games or run unreal engine. Try to find out how to skip the directx installation then and how to install stand alone unreal engine.
Did you try to downgrade the gpu drivers ? If those older drivers can install the dx online installer then it should finish the unreal installation where it gets to the point where it installs the online dx version and then the error occurs.
And btw can you tell me where the dx installation starts. Is it at the very end after it downloads and installs unreal engine ? Maybe Check if unreal did get installed and you just need to visit the folder where it is installed and find the start UnrealEditor.exe file.
I will try downgrading my drivers (if you have an article or video on how to do that, please link it with your next reply)
And to answer your question, it starts installing DirectX near the end of the installation process (it even creates a shortcut for the Epic Games Launcher on the Desktop which doesn’t seem to work properly, and the shortcut gets deleted when I click Okay on the error message)
This is the installation of the Epic Games Launcher so I didn’t find anything related to the Engine in the files.
or even grab drivers from acer directly if its possible maybe there is something special about them. If you installed fresh windows do you install any other ones from them ?
When i install new windows i use my mainboard manufacturer for mainboard drivers and maybe you need to get yours from acer…
I tought all the time you were on the unreal engine installation but you stuck on the epic games launcher…
I’m pretty sure that if you would get from someone pre installed unreal engine that it would just start then when you click the exe start file… You dont need the epic games launcher to start unreal engine but you will need it if you want to use the quixel mega scans in it…
There is another way you could get only the engine itself on github if you still cant install the launcher. But it has some requierments to be able to get to it
be an Unreal Engine subscriber,
have a GitHub account, and
have associated your GitHub account with your Unreal Engine account as described on the UE on GitHub page.
If you have another pc on which this launcher works you could then download it and install on this pc. Then just move the files to your laptop but you will not be able to use the quixel megascans or get access to the marketplace without the epic games launcher…
Maybe do not click the ok and go copy the whole folder where this launcher was installed then it cannot be removed when you have a copy somewhere else. then click ok and go to the copy folder and see if the launcher starts. If there was a shortcut on the desktop then there must be awso the original launcher exe file in it. So copy that whole folder where you installed the launcher and move it somewhere else if its possible. If you cant move it because some files is being used it may be some of the directx files then find which ones and copy move the rest and skip those… Is just another idea what you could try.
Apologies for the late reply, I went to bed.
Anyways, I have tried everything you said above.
I tried a clean installation of current notebook and desktop drivers, and older versions from 2021 also both notebook and desktop (restarted the PC each time to make sure the installation took effect)
tried Acer’s website as well.
as for downloading the engine without the Launcher, it would be pretty cumbersome to use the engine without easy access to the marketplace, vault, a projects tab, Quixel and I’m sure there are other things that would be worse without a Launcher.
I’ll might try to format the entire PC and just wipe everything in hopes that fixes it.
Sorry to hear that it still doesn’t work. I’m running out of ideas as well what else can be done. As it is right now with the latest updates from windows and the offline installation of dx you should be set up and be able to not only install the unreal launcher but the engine itself and both should run properly. So really wierd why it is not working. Your laptop is decent hardware wise both should run with easy. For the launcher even some potato pc would be able to run and install that. Last thing maybe to check if you didnt do so awready is to open the device manager and check if there are some driver missing or if its showing any errors somewhere. Not that it looks similar to this
Sorry again for the late reply, spent all day resetting my PC after wiping everything out.
As for your idea, I did try it pretty early on, didn’t find anything missing.
But as I was resetting the PC, I contacted someone who’s kind of like a specialist in DirectX. He said that you should download something called “DirectX SDK”, he also added that no matter what was causing your error, downloading the SDK would solve the issue, and that the Epic Games support should’ve told me about it. But, it’s too late now.
I appreciate the time and effort you put into helping me with my issue and giving me possible fixes for it.
But, apparently you should either download SDK… Or completely wipe out your PC lol
Thanks again for the help mate, really appreciate it!
As for the directx issue we were on the right track in the beginning and if the directx could be installed then the launcher would have worked so i tought the offline installer may fix that but it didnt… Oh well hopefully you manage the whole thing now and let me know if the SDK worked for you at the end. If yes then gg ^^
Yep, I can now use the engine relatively issue-free. IDK about the SDK, I didn’t try it because the Epic Games Installer worked just fine after resetting the PC, so there was nothing to fix this time.