installing previous versions of Unreal Engine

I currently have UE 5.1 installed. It will not allow me to add assets to my project that were built for a 4.x version. I wanted to build a project that would be able to accept those assets using a 4.x version, but a previous version from 5.1 is not offered to be able to download it. How can I download and install a 4.x version or allow me to convert 4.x assets to work in 5.1?

To add the assets in your project from current engine version you can click in the checkbox to show all your projects, then select the project you want to add the assets, down in the step 3 below the warning you can select the most recent possible version in the dropdown, then click in add to project.

If you still want to install older engine versions you can go to the unreal engine section in the epic client, go to the library tab, add an engine version with the + button, you will notice a new option will show up beside you currently installed version, this new option will have a version number with a dropdown menu, select the desired version from the dropdown and install it.


Hey there @MarkWaldo! Welcome to the community! JVStorck gave you a perfect summary of how to access most relevant versions. Great work!

However if the versions don’t go back far enough or your project only opens on a very specific version + fix, you’d need to build from source. Though you likely won’t need this, I figured I’d add a link in, just in case you (or anyone that finds this thread in the future) do!

ive tried going to the library tab and adding an engine version with +, but for some reason not all versions are there. do you know how i could fine ue5.4.1?

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Hey there @jay_p! Welcome to the community! Do you specifically need that exact hotfix version? 5.4.4 should be compatible with almost any project from 5.4.1 barring extremely rare cases. I would first recommend trying it on a copy of the project to see if anything has broken.

If so, you will need to download and build the source for any version that isn’t available inside the launcher. You can follow the link in my previous comment to get setup and get access the Unreal Engine development github.

Once you have that linked, you can find the source code for 5.4.1 here:

The old way of downloading previous versions vs the epic games marketplace in my library is no longer working, is there a new way to download say 4.27 (to open up old projects) through fab or is there another route?