Installing dependency problem

Im getting an error running

Here is the output of the logfile.

make: clang++: Command not found
make: *** …/…/src/hlslcc_lib/ast_expr.o] Error 127

I think its a dependency issue but I can’t be sure. Im using clang-3.5.


You need set the LINUX_ROOT environment variables to path-To-CLANG EG: C:\CrossToolchain

If you are on windows, check this wiki for the cross-compiler toolchain, else find a clang for your distro.

If you are in Linux, you might be missing a symlink to clang++

Find out where your clang resides:

$ which clang

then cd to that folder and:

$ sudo ln -s clang clang++

Ideally your package manager should have taken care of this so try re-installing clang.