,I’m trying to install/test a packaged project that I made (It’s just a basic new project with the defaults) on my tablet. The packaging in UE4 Editor went fine, but when I click the install .bat file in the folder, I can’t get it to actually install on my device.
This is exactly what the command prompt said:
C:\PonyoBuild\Android_DXT>set ANDROIDHOME=C:\\android-sdk-windows
C:\PonyoBuild\Android_DXT>if "C:\\android-sdk-windows" == "" set ANDROIDHOME=C:\\android-sdk-windows
C:\PonyoBuild\Android_DXT>set ADB=C:\\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe
C:\PonyoBuild\Android_DXT>set DEVICE=
C:\PonyoBuild\Android_DXT>if not "" == "" set DEVICE=-s
C:\PonyoBuild\Android_DXT>for /F "delims=" %A in ('C:\\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe shell "echo $EXTERNAL_STORAGE"') do @set STORAGE=%A
Uninstalling existing application. Failures here can almost always be ignored.
C:\PonyoBuild\Android_DXT>C:\\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe uninstall Aaron.Test
Installing existing application. Failures here indicate a problem with the device (connection or storage permissions) and are fatal.
C:\PonyoBuild\Android_DXT>C:\\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe install ShieldBuildTest-armv7-esdeferred.apk
Failed to install ShieldBuildTest-armv7-esdeferred.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK: Failed parse during installPackageLI: /data/app/vmdl1059957579.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #30): Requires newer sdk version #99 (current version is #24)]
There was an error installing the game or the obb file. Look above for more info.
Things to try:
Check that the device (and only the device) is listed with "ADB$ devices" from a command prompt.
Make sure all Developer options look normal on the device
Check that the device has an SD card.
Press any key to continue . . .
I noticed the line "Requires newer sdk version #99 " , but I’m pretty sure that isn’t even a real thing lol? I’ve been using 24 and playing from inside the editor works :X
I’m not a programmer and this is my first time using an Android device (Trying to learn though :P), but any help would be greatly appreciated Thankyou!