Installing Android Platform Tools 23.1.0 failed

Hi! I am trying to pass required Android Setup as described here:

Got UE4.13-googlevr from Github.


Did run CodeWorksforAndroid-1R4-windows.exe from Engine\Extras\AndroidWorks\Win64 folder

Select CodeWorks for Android 1R4u2, not latest 1R5 (is that correct?)

But I am getting this error:

Please advise me how to solve this problem. Thank you!

I’m having the exact same issue. Have you had any success?

EDIT: Do you have Visual Studio installed? indicates that 2010, 2012, and 2013 are supported but not 2015. I’m installing 2013 now to see if that resolves the issue.

Sure, I have 2013 and 2015 installed…

UPD: seems we have firewall block for downloading .zip files by direct links:

But I still can download files from account…

Any luck? I also have 2013 and 2015 installed, signed up with the Nvidia dev account, and tweaked firewall settings - no dice. I’m trying “CodeWorks for Android 1R5” now to see if it makes a difference.

I’ve got nvidia domain excluded from Firewall, and now I can run CodeWorksforAndroid-1R4-windows.exe ang get install process of CodeWorks for Android 1R4u2 completed successful! :slight_smile:

Today later I will try to build unreal project and will update here.

You can skip it in Codeworks and then install this api from Android SDK manager