This problem has been going on for a long time in different engine versions. The newer the version, the bigger the Installed Build is, which is not conducive to release.
How can I compile the Installed Build Engine with the same size as the official version?
Well, the solution is to delete all “.pdb” files:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set target_directory=LocalBuilds
for /r "%target_directory%" %%f in (*.pdb) do (
echo Deleting "%%f"
del "%%f"
echo All .pdb files in "%target_directory%" have been deleted.
After deletion, the package size is less than 30GB, which means that the engine does not contain debug info, and cannot package C++ games, but it is very suitable for distribution to artists
I haven’t tried it, but per the docs here, if you pass the argument -set:WithFullDebugInfo=false it should prevent .pdb files from being included in the Installed Build.
The official version remains some pdb files and can package c++ games. So are these pdb files minimal requirements? Why? Are there any relevant documents and instructions?
I have a solution that can package Project. The way is to open the unreal editor and search the engine fold to find the .pdb files , then manual delete them . When the system warrning you that the file is being used then just skip all. Finally you will get a small engine and can package!