Install/Download stuck at 82%

Any help with this. I’ve tried changing my network settings. Restarting the dowload several times. Researched others with the issue, no clear answer for me yet.

Let me know if you need any further info!


Hey @leobmaan!

My biggest suggestion is to let it ride. Give it about 30 minutes or so at that number before restarting it. It’s likely installing a large file, and the progress isn’t increasing because of that, once that file installs it will continue. But I haven’t seen any 5.2.0 installation issues around. You’ll likely run into the same thing the first time you launch the engine, as well. It’s because these installation bars run on # of files, not % of data :slight_smile:
Now if that doesn’t work, please come back and reiterate.

OH and make sure you have about double the size of the installation available on your hard drive for pagefile usage during installation!


Hey there,

thanks for the input. I ended up uninstalling everything. I had a partially installed 5.1 unreal too. Maybe uninstalling created the room i needed. I also uninstalled and reinstalled the launcher. Then i restarted the 5.1 download and installation. left it overnight and now we are good to go!. Excited to get learning. I am an animator for 10 yrs. wanna start learning some virtual production and games stuff!


I have now had the same issue with 5.2 and 5.1.1
I previously had 5.1 installed and then cleared it for space for 5.2. sadly.
I have let it run for ~12hrs, then a day and then 2 days over a weekend, just sits there with everything downloded and no further disk activity or percentage increase.
With the 5.1.1 I also cancelled and forced a resume where it ran through verifying from 1 to 82% again.
I wander what happens after it completes the files downloading process?

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I tried to build Unreal from source and had file permission errors.
I saw on a forum that utils or anti virus may be holding on.

That sounded like a clue and so I tried disabling the anti-virus for the Launcher install and Success!
It took around 3 hours to move from 82 to 83% but then progressed from there.
An option to try for others if they get stuck after it completes the downloading portion.

Hello to you all :purple_heart::herb:

i have had the same 82% issue with 5.2.1. Then i updated the Epic Games Launcher and simply left the system alone over night. :crescent_moon::sparkles:

And the next morning the installation was finished and i could begin my day with UE5.2.1 and a cup of coffee. :slightly_smiling_face:


Come back after I installed the engine. Pause download Go to Windows security and find the blue text “manage settings”, then turn off all of the switches in settings and continue download. It seems Security blocked the installation process. At least, that’s what happened to me, and I hope it can work on your PC. : )


Was the anmation of the “OPERATIONS” on the Download board of yours changing when it stuck at 82%?Mein is not changing.Does it meat no operation of installing is on?