Install button: nothing happens

When I log into the launcher I try to install Unreal Tournament or Unreal Engine.
After “Install” button is pressed (plus Path dialog for game installation) I see a brief message “Please Wait” instead the button and then button is back again like nothing happens. The only thing happens - foldre for Unreal Tournament game is created.

Hi Sin,

Can you grab debug logs for us?

  • If you go to the gear menu in the top right corner there should be an option to “Enable debug logging” click that.

  • Reproduce your issue of trying to Install the engines.

  • After attempting to install the engines go back to the gear menu and select “Show Launcher Logs” and post the latest backup file that has a timestamp on it.

-Max B.


Also today I have an issue starting the updater:
I don’t know if I should search for that separately. Just posting the pic here if that can be related with current problem.

I get the launcher not directly from original source. So I didn’t get the clear explanation first:

It must be the reason of installation failure.