Inspecting Item Rotation Limited Yaw to -90 or 90 ??? UE5.5

I’m having an issue where (following tutorial) The player picks up an item and is able to hold it in front of them using a physics handle similar to half life. I want to be able to rotate the object and so far its working but it will only rotate so far on its pitch axis. Once it hits about 90 or -90 PITCH ONLY it starts bugging out and i can’t seem to find an answer spefically handling this issue.

Any ideas what the issue is? I feel like it’s because The player is limited to those values perhaps but i’m not sure how to remedy it.

Essentially once the object is picked up, it’s assigned a tag which works perfectly. Sets ‘Rotating Object’ to ‘True’ then goes into the rotation function. Then it validates we have the ‘Grab Object’ that can be rotated, and goes on to set the rotation of the physics handle to the values of the mouse / controller pitch and yaw input values.

EVERYTHING works great other than its limited yaw rotation. And i have NO idea what’s limiting it to those values.

EDIT: After HOURS of trying to figure this out, I managed to finally solve this, AFTER i made this thread of course. But if you’re having a similar issue, here’s my personal resolution

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