INSOMNIACS | Better Light Than Never
Vimeo link for better image quality.
Student Submission: No
Credits to sourced content:
Sketchfab: MaX3Dd, Azad Balabanian, 3dhdscan, Caboose3d, artfletch, Vlad Dyuhaaa,
Zygomir.Fabricati.Diem, Katie Wolfe, Taylor, grzes19, geodezes
Other assets:
Epic Marketplace
Quixel Megascans
Mixamo character model and mocap animations
Custom photogrammetry using RC
Kings & Creatures - The Haxan
The best of the best at Kings & Creatures \ Position Music
Editor grabs:
I love how Unreal lets you figure out what it is you are creating as you go. From very basic idea about roaming night beings to a short audiovisual piece. Night lighting, over the top colors, silhouettes. This was always an esthetic I wanted to play with because I love the look of city streets and exteriors at night. Unreal Engine, now with Lumen and Nanite, is the perfect tool to just play with and figure out stuff without hitting a wall too often. Very liberating.
Engine version: