Insights tracing сaptures excess data: how to control it?

Hello there!
I am not sure if this is right category for my question, but have not found any more suitable.
I am trying to trace strictly timed gameplay parts for further analysis. As expected result, I want to see strict trace in Insights from Trace.Start to Trace.Stop.
But now I see that Unreal Engine(5.2 in my case) placing some excess data before Trace.Start command is actually executed.
Test setup: new blank project with two trigger volumes in it - one for start tracing and one for stop.
All logic inside Level blueprint: OnBeginPlay checking if tracing active(Is Tracing) and, if True - stop tracing.
Then simple trigger logic to start/stop tracing when overlapping related triggers. Also added trace bookmarks to visual debugging.
Running as Standalone Game. Before start, ended UnrealTraceServer.exe process in Task Manager(just in case).
As you can see on screenshot below, there is over than 36 seconds of excessive data on start before actually trace start executed(there is bookmark).

Could someone please help me with this question? Is this ever possible to capture only(and only) data that I want?
You can see blueprint logic on next screenshot:

Thanks in advance!

I know that some commandline argument exists, like -notraceautostart.
Maybe someone know it? The issue is still actual.