Inside Unreal: State of Audio in 4.25 - April 2

You may have heard that we have several new exciting audio features coming in 4.25, and this week we thought we’d take a look at them!

To kick things off, the audio team will give a quick update on the Audio Mixer. From there we will shift to discussions and demos of the Native Convolution Reverb, Native Ambisonics Decoding and Encoding Support, as well as the new non-real-time audio analysis plugin Synesthesia.

Thursday, March 12 @ 2:00PM ET - Countdown


Aaron McLeran - Lead Audio Programmer - @minuskelvin
Dan Reynolds - Technical Sound Designer - @dannthr
Ethan Geller - Senior Audio Programmer - @pragmatism
Phil Popp - Senior Audio Programmer
Max Hayes - Audio Programmer - @MacksHazeAudio
Victor Brodin - Community Manager - @victor1erp

Project files (log in to the forums to access)


Waiting forward for testing procedural audio creation with the Niagara Audio Data Interface. I will make Unreal Engine sing. :slight_smile:

The non-real-time audio features are great. Helping me and my friends to achieve our imagine. I can’t wait to hear what’s new.
Also it would be great to learn about Niagara Data Interface.

Niagara Audio Data Interface, you say? Now I’ll have to wait for all my plugins to update. :smiley:

Excited to hear the news :wink:

Curious to ‘hear’ how the new audio engine compares to some previous work, such as NVidia’s AudioWorks Branch of UE4.

I feel I will stick with Wwise for the simple fact I can make changes in real time

Convolution Reverb awwwwwwwwwwwh yis!

[Question] - Reverb volumes currently take effect when the listener is inside that volume, rather than the source audio being affeted by the volume it’s in. Any plans to “fix” that so that?

What about multiplayer? When two listeners may be near the same source yet in different locations thus causing different audio transforms applied for each of them?

Updates to TimeSynth?

Shouldn’t matter, the audio is evaluated locally.

Are we talking about a sample based impulse reverb?

depends on replication settings yeah?

So stoked for this. Can’t wait for the stream tomorrow! I’ve been working on something that plugs from Ableton Max to create visuals. The Niagara Audio Data Interface is exciting news.

I do have an issue, though, and I’m sure it’s just a false-positive in my AV.

It’s deleting the file for me which is a pain - if they were quarantined I’d of just let them back in once given the OK. Can someone from Epic give me the clear?

This is a launcher install, not from the git repo. The entire download itself is fine, just that one file libUnrealInsights-Slate.debug is having issues. Likely a few lines of code flagging it.


hey @VictorLerp does this mean the stream is cancelled or just this topic (Audio) ?? :

No, there’s only one listener locally. Sound playback is processed locally, the server only sends order what should be played.

Hey all, just want to let you know that this stream will happen at a later date. We will update the title and thread once a new date has been set.

Thanks, was just looking for it on YT and was wondering whether the stream got postponed or canceled.

Looks like you have a virus, potentially, and that’s on your end most likely:

Time to make games for Linux :stuck_out_tongue:


Really enjoyed the stream. Thanks a lot for all the given information. I am wondering when the examples you showed will be available.

