With the release of 4.25, Niagara is finally out of early access! This week, our Technical Art Director for VFX, Wyeth Johnson, will cover UI/UX improvements, changes to scalability and inheritance, and show off new features like the camera data interface and spatial hash. Join us live and take the opportunity to ask any questions you might have regarding Niagara!
@VictorLerp@SirWyeth](https://twitter.com/SirWyeth) Fantastic peek at Niagara! Can you provide some pointers on how to create/control Niagara Particles to produce water jets in a choreographed display similar to what is shown in this video made on a Real-Time program from 58 seconds to 1 minute 20 seconds? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Knj-IXvA2U ?
@VictorLerp@SirWyeth](https://twitter.com/SirWyeth) That was a really informative and interesting talk through and through, which is not how it usually goes for 1h30 long presentations, fantastic job!