Come join us as we chat with the creators and developers at iTherapy about their project InnerVoice Unreal - a tool designed to help children with autism and other communication challenges learn speaking, reading, and writing skills! This innovative app uses a combination of animation and AI technology to create the customizable avatar’s word articulation and a variety of micro-expressions in a controlled, educational setting for the user.
Thursday, February 17th @ 2:00 PM ET - Countdown
Lois Jean Brady - Co-Founder/CEO
Matthew Guggemos - Co-Founder/COO - @drumlanguage
Justin Patterson - Lead XR Engineer at Elara Systems - @professorjpatt
Tina Wisdom - Community Manager - @TheUnWiseTina
If you’re unable to make the livestream, all episodes of Inside Unreal can be viewed afterwards on-demand .