Inside Unreal: Building A Survival Game - Derelicts

This week on Inside Unreal, we’ll be speaking with the incredible solo developer of the upcoming survival game Derelicts! This stunning game doesn’t only offer a vast explorable world, but also a structure building system, crafting, updated VFX, a dog companion and more - there’s so much incredible work being put into this project that we’ll be opening up the blueprints and digging deep into.

Thursday, March 10th @ 2:00 PM ET - Countdown


Romain Piquot - Solo Developer - @DerelictsGame
Tina Wisdom - Community Manager - @TheUnWiseTina

If you’re unable to make the livestream, all episodes of Inside Unreal can be viewed afterwards on-demand .


I’m looking forward to it!


Great! I’m quite new to Unreal and just dive into a personal project in which the player builds a dugout and explores the post-apo world looking for parts. The stream seems to be great piece of inspiration :slight_smile: Can’t wait :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have been wanting to take a deep dive into how to make a survival game myself so this will be a great opportunity, Thanks so much for sharing with the community! I cant wait to play it too :wink:

[quote=“WGT_Creative, post:5, topic:504763, full:true”]
I have been wanting to take a deep dive into how to make a survival game myself so this will be a great opportunity, Thanks so much for sharing with the community! I can’t wait to play it too :wink:
[/quote] Ok now from my real account, I cant wait for this! :slight_smile:

Wow! Thats pretty amazing. I wish you great success with the game.

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That’s really wow, finally something worth attention and a really engaging survival game after the success of annelids mods which has been my personal favorite but I believe derelicts would be the new one now.

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im new how do we start to build

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Start with simple stuff! Check tons of YouTube videos, a lot of stuff is available, and if you are stuck be sure to read the Unreal Docs on what you are trying to do.

If you mean building/packaging your game its simple as well, I recommend using Unreal Frontend. You can see more about it in this video:

Is the game going to be out soon. It look’s fun.

EN VRAI C’est mon frére qui joue à epic games. JE vais lui demander pour jouer et j’ai hate d’y jouer.