Inside Unreal: Behind The Scenes of Mortal Shell

Mortal Shell is a ruthless and deep action-RPG that tests your sanity and resilience in a shattered world. This week on Inside Unreal, co-founders Andrew and Anton are joining us to take a look at how Cold Symmetry used Unreal Engine to develop their creative vision. We’ll cover Blueprint in multi-platform projects, lighting challenges, animation systems, and efficient level scripting. Don’t miss out on this exclusive look behind the scenes, and make sure you stick around for the Q&A!

If you’re unable to make the livestream, all episodes of Inside Unreal can be viewed afterwards on-demand.

Thursday, March 18 @ 2:00PM ET - Countdown


Andrew McLennan-Murray - Co-founder, Cold Symmetry - @MortalAndrew](
Anton Gonzalez - Co-founder, Cold Symmetry
Zacchini - Technical Designer, Cold Symmetry
Jonathan Peros - Audio Director, Cold Symmetry - @jonathanperos](
Victor Brodin - Community Manager - @victor1erp](

Mortal Shell’s Twitter
Cold Symmetry is hiring!
Gameplay Programmer Job Post



Awesome! Looking forward to seeing this!

Sweet. I’ll be watching.

Great, nice!

@VictorLerp ​​​​​​​
Would it be possible for Zacchini to post screenshots of the InputQueueWindow and the bits of 0_Base that were shown when his stream was glitching out?
This was an eye-opening talk for sure and it’d be awesome if you could do them more often with other developers.

There you go!
Glad that you enjoyed my section!



Thanks a bunch for doing this, was really cool to see. And can’t wait to see you guys’ next project!

Thanks for the stream!, i asked a few times but i think they never asked it, how do they handle hit detection on enemies?

Thank you so much!