I just got the new free western learning content and did a very simple relight of the scene with not much more than a directional light, sky atmosphere, some clouds and a skylight.
At some point I noticed performance in editor was tanking like crazy for no apparent reason.
Here is a screenshot of my stats and I have this ridiculous frame timings and I don’t really know why exactly. Also, it all seems like way too big values given that this is software lumen running on high-end hardware
My PC is a Ryzen 9 3900x, RTX4090 and 32GB RAM…so I highly doubt that that’s the issue here (also my perf monitor says that my PC is not even stressing in the slightest, so I just don’t get why editor performance is so busted.
Would love to know if anyone would have any ideas or ways to track down the extra ms that clearly come from somewhere else than game time or GPU.