Here is a demo, but it does not work, the author himself points to the 7th minute of the video, but since this is a demo (although he claims that it is a tutorial), he himself does not say anything. Here is a plugin, following the manual, also does not work, the widget is initialized, but does not save the keys. Here is my hope, but it does not have a save function
Here is how I could save, but you need to update the widget itself during loading or is it a matter of indexes
Thanks for the answer, but these are standard key bindings, my binding is in a widget with a check for identical keys, so I saved it (since the author does not have one), as shown in the video, but the widget itself is not updated. I can’t find where to update the indexes yet, if you load before initializing the widget, nothing will change, since the indexes or text have not changed, only ENum.