Inputs not reading

I’m making a shooter game in ue5.4, right now I only need to make a system for the target practice dummy to move foward/back to set distance.

My problem is that no input method I use seems to work, I’ve tried:
-Calling the key itself in the blueprint
-Use an action mapping
-Using Input Actions
And none of theses methods work, put a print text connected to the inputs to see if they read and nothing comes up.

In both the Target BP and Player BP the Auto Receive Input is configured, the weird part is that I have a reload function that uses Input Action and it works perfectly.
Tried calling the Inputs directly in the Target BP and created custom events and called them in the player BP. Nothing seems to work

Any Idea on whats happening?

Multiplayer (Listen or Dedicated) or Single Player?

Singleplayer, It’s more of a “shooting range Sim” than anything

Honestly I’d make a keypad that you interact with. Use an Interface to call the functions move up and move back.