Input Weirdly Sometimes Unresponsive

So we have it so that holding LMB or RMB fires a gun continuously. But we noticed a glitch where after you die and go back to the menu, when you load the level again you have no input.

We fixed this by doing SetInputModeGameOnly right before it loads the level (its in the menu event graph). But when we do this, the input becomes only half responsive.

As in it will sometimes work and sometimes not. Completely randomly it seems. On and off while you play, every few seconds. And half the clicks don’t register, and holding the mouse buttons now do nothing. What could possibly be causing something like this? For the input to randomly turn on and off while playing seemingly at random?

Connection issues. I mean with the cable that the mouse is using. No cable? Check the batteries. Make sure the mouse buttons are cleaned out.

If the mouse is not the issue, then it is likely something to do with your blueprints.