Input Problem in 2 diferent actors

Hello Everyone, if there is any good soul to help me with a problem that im having in my project i would appreciate a lot :slightly_smiling_face:
im doing a project in Blueprint in VR and for some reason im having trouble with input. In my scene i have 2 actors (2 buttons where the player get close with VR hands and pull the trigger to press the button). When you press the first button, it is destroyed and a second button shows up, but then it doesnt work, the input seems not to work on the second button,and everything is the same as the first button. Does anyone have some guess of what could be happening? Im sry for my english im from Brazil

You’ll need to provide more context in order to help.

Can you show screenshots of the blueprints for the player and buttons they are interacting with?

I tryed to send the information here but as im new i can on include 1picture, do you have a discord or email that i can send the document?

Just screenshot with Print Screen and paste it (ctrl-v) in the reply text body. You can add more than one photo in replies.

Tryed to do this but same message appears