Hi Epic,
this might be a known issue, as it has been discussed previously: When I change the Input Mode to “Game and UI” or “UI only” and focus my menu widget, a standard mouse cursor appears. Unfortunately, this is not what I want, as I have built a menu which needs mouse input, but deliberately works without a cursor and looks just weird when it pops up in the center of the screen.
I have set the “Cursor” property to “None” in the PlayerController and the Widget, yet it still appears every time, even in standalone.
The user has provided a workaround in the Forums: UMG Compatibility - Code Changes: SceneViewport.cpp to 4.7 - Feedback & Requests - Epic Developer Community Forums
As I am no programmer, however, I can not use it. I would be very glad if there was a fix or a BP workaround to this problem. Any suggestions appreciated!