Input Mapping Does not Work.

Hello Everyone. I need some help with input bindings. I’ve setup some key bindings for my game but it only works if is made in “BP_ThirdPersonCharacter”.
If i use input events in any other bp it does not work. Someone can helpe-me with this issue??

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That’s because input events are primarily intended to work with the pawn you are controlling. Imagine you would have 1000 thousand pawns in the map, the engine could not know which one you want to send the input to.

So in addition to what the previous comment said you could just change the game to to use the pawn you want. Or. Alternatively click on the pawn and set Autoposses player 0.

Thank you. I understand now and the solution proposed by Supremative Works on blueprint. But i still have my problem. The initial problem is in Widget Blueprint. I’m trying to setup a menu with widgetSwitcher but i cant even close the widget. Change Switch doenst work too. I already set “is focusable” true for all widgets and i still dont manage this to work.