Input mapping at runtime

Is there any way to map the inputs of any given controller at runtime, save them and then have your game inputs respond to what you have saved? I was thinking sort of like mapping the controls in a fighting game.
It has the layout of the controller and you can switch what the buttons do to map which attacks go where. Is there any way to do this at runtime and save it so that I won’t need to have users go into inis to change their controls?

I’ll look around and see if he has that.

As far as the inputs go, they’re fully mapped in the project settings. I want to be able to swap them around for different controlschemes.

Maybe this thread will help : [Full Project] Rama's UMG Rebindable Key System, Rebind keys at Runtime! - Community Content, Tools and Tutorials - Unreal Engine Forums

Definitely helps. Thanks a lot Fen!