Hi, im trying to set some debug input key presses into my character blueprints(the ones im not possessing- NPC’s in the world) but they don’t work at all(I’ve set input key to something like Z , made sure block input is off and auto receive input player 0 is on in the class defaults) but can’t get it to work.
The same procedure works fine using just an actor blueprint tho. I am assuming it has something to do with the player controller on these type of blueprints, but im not sure how to fix this.
Input is consumed by default. So if you put input Z in 2 different blueprints, only 1 will work. Here’s the order:
And entities of the same type can sort it further via Priority.
If you handle the same input in the Player Controller and the Level Blueprint, only the one from the PC will work. Regular actors act first and consume all input this way - which means it cannot reach the Pawn below.
The same procedure works fine using
just an actor blueprint tho
Makes sense; as you can see above, this kind of input handler sits at the very top. While not recommended for normal gameplay (unless you need some special mechanics), you can disable consumption by selecting the input node and unchecking it in the details panel.
tl;dr: actors eat up input that’s supposed to go to the pawn (a character is a highly specialised pawn).
hi, i forgot to say i did uncheck consume input,but it still didn’t work
If you want Input to reach a Pawn, you need to ensure that nothing else (above it in the chart) is consuming said input. That’s the default condition, like in all the templates.
Double check all the places were you might have used that input, and ensure you’re possessing the Pawn. Pawns that are not possessed do not process input.