Hello, I am new to unreal and I am facing a weird issue. I can’t seem to trigger a break point with input. For testing, as you have see, I have made the weapon in the first person controller fire by pressing the letter “M”. However, when I press play (and I have the debug scope on the right object), the weapons does fire but it doesn’t trigger the waypoint.
The fact that the weapon fires indicates that the input is recognized, but the breakpoint doesn’t trigger. For further testing purposes , I made it so a variable will be incremented by 1 every time M is pressed, however this does not seem to happen.
So… what exactly is happening here? Am I doing something wrong?
The “Montage Play” is playing nothing. Don’t forget to select the montage to play.
The montage play is making the player jump. It wasn’t me who created it , it’s how the FP character is set up by unreal. The character *does * jump, so it’s obviously the montage play does something and the input does get detected.
Problem is that it seems to make only the player jump and that’s it, nothing else get detected.
Actually the montage plays the weapon recoil’s animation.
Anyway, does the breakpoint in “Jump” working?
Have you tried replacing the “Montage Play” with a new one?
Right, so I did something simpler now alt text.
- Breakpoint does not trigger at jump but character does jump.
- I tried connecting the letter M to the jump action ( see picture) Again character jumps but the breakpoint is not triggered.
Again if I connect the Jump node to the event tick the breakpoint plays normally.
Also, thank you for your time answering this.
What if you create another fps project and check if that still happens?
Alright you pointed me to the right direction. So, I made a new project and everything was working properly. So, here is what went wrong:
When you are opening a blueprint script via the “Edit class_name blueprint” you open an instance of that blueprint, not the class itself. In order to edit the blueprint of the player I put an instance of the Player blueprint in the level. That’s the blueprint I had open when I was running the game, not the one that gets spawned by the playerstart.
Basically, I had the wrong blueprint open wrong, even thought both belong to the same class.
I am including a screenshot where the two different instances of the blueprint exist.
TL;DR: I thought the blueprint script was common for all instances but apparently this is not the case. Very confusing from Unreal Engine.
That’s interesting and good to know. Thanks for sharing that info.