I have inherited a project from an outsource company.
The issue is that I am unable to make keyboard input work, even if I just drag blueprints from the featured content you can add. Such as the FlyingBP.
If I load the specific demo map, it works, but under the map from the opensource company no input works.
I guess something in the code or in the other BP overrides the input?
The same is with trying to set my own camera.
What do I look for that overrides the input?
Hey there, you can try to look in the player controller sub class or any sub class of character.
How do I find the player controller? What if there is more than one?
Check your game mode, that will tell you which player controller class you are using. You can only use one player controller at a time.
I have added the FlyingBP from the content packs, and set the game mode to FlyingGameMode but I still cannot control the flying ship. It just flying straight?
You can put prints on the axis mappings for turning left and right to see if they are begin triggered.
That fixed it?
Yes it did
Then promote your answer and mark it as correct to close it.
Turns out I directed the player controller reference into target instead of player controller… When enabling input.