Input Axis' only recognized on certain levels?

I migrated some files from a pack that I purchased from the marketplace, to be specific the files from the “Advanced Locomotion System”. However, after setting up the input axis events to move my character around in the default map, I found that the axis events would only fire when inside of the default map that came with the advanced locomotion system, when I tried to place the Mannequin_Character inside of another level and control it with WASD, the axis events would not fire?

I have a feeling I am missing something very simple, I don’t usually migrate files so I’m not used to this sort of thing, sorry for the noob question, any advice would be very much appreciated, thanks!

You can possess the pawn after spawning it with the usual method, naturally. It’s just that a lot of people wouldn’t know to set the possession after dropping it in the level.

Again, you can keep your game mode I should think, as long as it takes anything it needs to into account ( I didn’t look in great detail ).

You can change player controllers, also :slight_smile:

Do you mean another level or a new project?

EDIT: See what you mean, hang on…

Ok, got it. A couple of things to check first:

  1. When you drop the pawn in the level, you have to set it to auto posses player 0

  2. You need to change game mode to use the ALS game mode.

Then, just for convenience, a lot of the movement events have different names. So the standard UE4 W/S movement is MoveForward, but you have to also make another input action called MoveForward/Backward.

And so on. Gimme a shout if you need more info :slight_smile:

Hey thanks for the response man! Worked great! Couple of questions though if you don’t mind:

Can it be possessed after I spawn it though? Is it even using an AI Controller?

While I can see the logic behind changing the game mode, The Advanced locomotion project that was created in order for me to migrate the files is using the default GameModeBase and the character can still move? I was using my own custom game mode and player controller and really didnt want to have to change it so its a big deal for me!

Isee a + sign for a new blueprint next to the player controller though, so Im assuming the player controller can get changed in game? If so its not that big a deal I suppose

Thanks again for your help!!!

Awesome awesome thanks a bunch