Beginner Question: I’m using the sidescroller template. I’m having trouble using an Input Action (left mouse) in the Animation Blueprint. The event is simply not even firing. If Input Events aren’t possible in an Anim Blueprint, what’s the alternative?
Thanks for the tip.
Best way to control Animation Blueprint is getting instance in proper character class where input should be handled and control it from there. Also check if you attached Animation Blueprint to Skeletal Mesh Component.
Animation Blueprint is kind of different, it like a consistent animation flow which you can control just by editing variables inside it, Animation Blueprint is also valid class extended from UAnimInstance, in fact even on blueprint nodes Animation Blueprint related functions are called “Anim Instance” insted.
Does an animation blueprint require a character class? Or can it be used with a pawn with a skeletal mesh component?
I think I’m having the same problem as you. On mobile all my input functions brake when I apply the animation blueprint. Have you figured out what your problem was?
It requires movement component, which character class has.