Input action not firing when pressed a second time

I am wokring on a weapon for the player and I want to make it a rapid fire weapon, so I made this in the player BP:

It will trigger once and start firing but anytime you try after releasing from the last time it will not execute the pressed execution. I have tried it without custom events and with but same results happen. same goes with just print strings but none has worked. is this a bug with the engine or is it a user error?

There’s definitely something unusual going on. At first glance there isn’t anything strange here.

There could be an external factor messing with this simple setup maybe.

Are you using the input anywhere else?

What is the input bound to?

Left Mouse Button. Im not using the input for anything but this,
and everywhere else my left mouse button registers but here

So I did more testing on this and it seems that Left mouse button is the only button that this happens with. all other keys don’t seem to have this problem

maybe is a hardware issue with your mouse. have you tested with another one?

I have tested it with multiple. All have the same result. Even with a different mouse it’s on my the left mouse button.
After I restarted my project and computer it will fire a second time but only after a period of time has passed.otherwise it on my returns released.

i think i got it. i just happened to have encountered an issue that i think is also causing your problem :slight_smile:

I think the problem is the mouse is not being captured unless you’re pressing it. Basically it only reacts to the initial click, and then double clicks. So the “release” isn’t registering because if you’re not providing input, the mouse is being ignored.

The solution is to “always capture”


Add this on your player controller or game mode at begin play. Report back to me to tell me if it worked please.

This worked for me. I added this to my player controller and it is no longer showing the problem.
Thank you so much!
(My apologies for my late response)