Input action missing action Y and X

Trying to learn the input mapping but not working as nicely as I’m wanting it to. First issue is, default project has a simple movement input action, but recreating both input actions and input mapping context, it’s not the same. Why is it not the same? What am I missing? All is the same.

Starter project:

and mine from scratch:

Mine is replaced with elapsed seconds and triggered seconds.

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Hi @venomtail

Well i certainly see alot not happening, you havent connected half of the nodes especially the execute pins on yours, or am i missong the point here?

I have the same issue trying to replicate this, looks like “action value x” and “action value y” is missing - so there’s no way to connect them at all. Does anyone know where we define those to make them appear?

I figured out that “action value” can be connected by changing the “value type” in the input action itself to float. But where I get the second one from I have no idea.

If you right click the blue “Action Value” circle, I believe you can split it into the two floats you’re looking for.


I didn’t see a solution listed but I found one by looking at the manual here Enhanced Input in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

Specifically under Core Concepts>Input Actions. You will need to go to your Input Action and switch it from the Default value of Digital (bool) to Axis2D (Vector2D) as shown here.


after you change it to Axis2D you can then right click on the blue action BEFORE you connect it to anything and select split.

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This was exactly the issue at hand! Did not realize that’s what that pin would be.

@high500 further up is completely lost.

Coming back in 2024 to say thank you so much for this!